Imagine a fencing duel, two contenders crossing blades under the shadow of an absolute truth, seeking to deliver the final blow. But what would happen if we set aside the sword and open our minds to a dialogue where truth becomes a path to explore, rather than a battlefield to conquer?

The Problem of Absolute Truth

In the world of ideas, we constantly face dualities: good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. This simplistic way of thinking affects how we interact, debate, and think, as we tend to divide things into extremes of good and bad without considering subtleties or nuances. We insist on fighting, on "defeating" the other with our arguments, with the sword of our truth. But isn't this a Pyrrhic battle? Isn't it rather a parade of vanities, a game of inflated egos like birthday balloons hanging from the ceiling of our minds?

The Minimal Veritas: A New Form of Dialogue

But there is another way of thinking and living. I like to call it "Minimal Veritas," the minimal essence of truth in all ideas, even those we consider most repugnant or erroneous. It is a call to the responsibility of understanding before judging, to seek the grain of truth instead of outright disqualifying.

Like an explorer in search of a hidden treasure, this approach allows me to venture into unknown territories, beyond my comfort zone. Because the most valuable secrets are often hidden in the least expected places. It is not an easy task; it requires patience, perseverance, and humility. But the rewards are immense: new understandings, enriched perspectives, and a more abundant and vibrant life.

The Battle of Inflated Egos
"The Battle of Inflated Egos" conveys the idea that the pursuit of absolute truth is a fruitless battle.

The Case of Arranged Marriages: Seeking the Minimal Veritas

To exemplify this approach, let's consider the practice of arranged marriages, an idea that generally causes rejection in the Western world. Where is the minimal veritas in this? How can we understand it without necessarily agreeing with it?

Cultures that practice arranged marriages see them as a way to strengthen family ties and preserve traditions. Economic stability also plays an important role in their reasoning. Although it may seem unthinkable to us, it is their way of addressing problems they consider real, such as cultural incompatibility and family conflicts.

By exploring with curiosity and empathy, we can see that these practices attempt to solve problems that we also face in our own societies. It is there where we find the minimal veritas: in understanding the why, in grasping the intention behind the idea.

The Hidden Treasure
"The Hidden Treasure" symbolizes the minimal truth that can be discovered by exploring different perspectives and finding unexpected connections.

The World of "Ands": Expanding the Minimal Veritas

The minimal veritas is just a part of a broader perspective that I like to call the "world of ands." In this view, nothing is completely discarded; instead, everything is refined and reintegrated into a new understanding. Let's take, for example, the ancient belief that the Earth is flat. Although that idea has been replaced by scientific knowledge that asserts our planet is spherical, we can still appreciate and understand the original idea in its own historical and cultural context. Thus, our current truth that the Earth is a sphere could become the "flat Earth" of the future as our knowledge and understanding continue to evolve."

Commitment to Understanding

The minimal veritas is an invitation to reflection and constructive dialogue. It is not about giving up our convictions but seeking a deeper and nuanced understanding of the ideas that surround us, no matter how strange or incomprehensible they may seem. Instead of rejecting, seek to understand. Instead of judging, seek to discover. It is a compass that guides us toward tolerance and empathy, allowing us to build bridges instead of walls. Because, ultimately, truth is not a battlefield but a shared journey in search of understanding and growth.