The mystery of intuition, that inner fire that illuminates our path through this cosmos that exists both outside and within us. This is a journey that crosses the boundaries of science, external recognition, and established paradigms, guiding us toward the melody of our inner muse.

Awakening the Spark of Intuition

Immersed in an era of unprecedented technological advancements, we often forget that the edges of our intuition define our natural world. Where does the world end? The answer is simple: where our ability to feel and understand intuitively concludes. The cosmos we glimpse through the telescope when we seek to know distant Mars is also a journey inwards, a path towards our interior, as long as we guide it in the shadow of intuition.

In the words of Carl Jung, the external is the shadows of the unconscious, reflecting our inner world. This interplay between the outer and inner universe opens us up to the possibility of expanding our boundaries, connecting those two worlds, and making our universe even larger. It's like lighting a fire, the fire of intuition, which first arises from dry twigs but eventually sustains itself.

Floating in a universe of statistical truths
"Floating in a universe of statistical truths" evokes the disconnection that can result from relying solely on data and statistical truths for understanding without the guidance of our intuition.

Intuition: Architect of Our World

I would assert that we all possess a spark of intuition. Some have it more vibrant and, therefore, inhabit a more expansive world. The problem arises when we distance ourselves from it when we smother the inner fire with the sand of pure analytics and objectivity.

The analytical sense has become a tyrant that feeds on our need to understand things logically, to read and memorize others' thoughts without experiencing direct understanding. It's that tendency to act as an echo chamber that inhibits our inner fire, the one that radiates energy from the inside out. As Kahneman, who won a Nobel Prize for demonstrating that intuition plays a fundamental role in our decision-making, said, we need to feed that fire and not let it extinguish in the desert of reason.

The Challenge of Science: Hammer or Compass

The most significant conflict arises when we begin to assume analytical and scientific truths that do not resonate with our intuition. Instead, we treat them with undue certainty as if they were absolute truths. And here comes the hammer of science, which sees every problem as a nail and leaves the person without foundations, floating in a universe of statistical truths.

Often, science claims to have all the answers but forgets that it is just one of the ways to know the world, a tool, not a dogma. Although falsifiability is one of its most cherished characteristics, this approach has an authoritarian side, as Popper denounced, because only scientists themselves are allowed to challenge scientific findings. This leads to epistemic arrogance, where science seems to be the only valid source of knowledge.

The external applause
"The external applause" where the figure in the shadows amidst the applause represents people who act for external recognition at the cost of losing contact with their inner world.

Intuition and the True Sense

In the eagerness to grow and explore, we must define the limits of our external world through our internal world. Like a dance, the external movement must be in tune with the inner music. If this music is the pursuit of social acceptance, fame, or applause, we are dancing out of step with our internal rhythm. Only when the analytical and the intuitive dance in unison is there complete understanding, and decision-making becomes a harmonious melody.

The internal music
"The internal music": The heart-emitting music symbolizes our internal motivation and how our actions and decisions should be guided by what resonates within us.

The Call of the Muse

In this internal melody, the power of the muse arises, a symbolic figure that leads us toward our mission, towards our world. A world that is temporary, flowing, and alive. Although it may seem fragile, this world is more specific, more our own. It is not an absolute or universal world but an echo of our own being, a score only we can read and play.

And so, with the fire of intuition burning within us, each of us embarks on our own journey, sailing between Earth and Mars, unraveling the mysteries of this labyrinth called life.