Dive into the illusion of believing that we can grasp everything, and discover how this never-ending quest leads to neurosis and discontent. Embrace the humility of recognizing our limitations and find a new way of knowledge that integrates intuition and analytical logic.


Our insatiable desire to encompass everything, even the unfathomable, leads us to seek universal, even eternal truths. And, though it may sound like science fiction, we've hopped on a little train that I've christened the extra-universal. This locomotive of shallow ideas has trapped us in a maze of anxiety and neurosis because coveting what's beyond our capabilities is like trying to wolf down a four-pound steak in one sitting. In this article, I try to understand why humanity seeks inspiration in the unreachable, in that shooting star that, no matter how far we extend our arm, we cannot touch. If we can understand and accept this, maybe we can start to transform our worldview and understand what it truly means to be human, beyond screens and neon lights.

Why do we think we can know everything?

We have a world view as inflated as a party balloon, believing there are no limits to our knowledge. We think it's only a matter of time before we unravel the universe and beyond, as if we're the protagonists in an adventure film. We've come to think our truths are as unmovable as mountains. But, hey, where does this unshakable certainty we've internalized come from? Do we believe ourselves to be demi-gods? The answer could lie in what I call childish consciousness, a kind of reasoning that, like a child prodigy, not only believes it knows everything, but also blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, as if living in a constant lucid dream. This consciousness, a product of the latest stages of human evolution, is as immature and conceited as a teenager at the peak of their hormones, totally oblivious to their own limitations, and more lost than a tourist in a maze.

Accepting our two sides

We've paid so much attention to our analytical logic that we've ended up believing we've reached the Everest of human consciousness. But, just like Icarus, our pride has made us forget that our capacity to reason will continue to evolve. We've saddled the horse of reason and the knowledge it can give us, but in doing so, we've ended up overlooking our deepest and most primal nature, the one that brought us to where we are today. And that, friends, is costing us dearly: it generates neurosis and unhappiness, because we're always looking outward and beyond our horizon of possibilities, like the cowboy who can't stop gazing at the plains. That's why I propose that we dismount the horse and accept that our brain is not designed to understand the cosmos in its entirety, but to understand what we intuitively experience. This humility will allow us to look inward and recognize that past that still lives within us. It's like making peace with our inner child, which will enable us to explore new forms of knowledge, ones that express themselves more symbolically and accept that things can be interpreted in different ways.

Figures Who Hit the Nail on the Head Between Logic and Intuition

History has given us several figures who have achieved a "pirate's balance" between logic and intuition, almost as if dancing a perfect tango:

Albert Einstein: Beyond being recognized for his contributions to theoretical physics, this genius is famous for his love for intuition and imagination. He put it plainly: "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Einstein always said that his theoretical ideas sprang from intuitive "thought experiments," showing that he knew how to balance between logic and intuition.

Steve Jobs: The co-founder of Apple Inc. is another curious case. Jobs always emphasized the importance of following intuition. He had a knack for knowing what consumers wanted before they knew it themselves. But not everything was intuition; he also applied logic and reasoning in his engineering and design approach, creating products that were not only innovative but also practical and easy to use.

Carl Gustav Jung: Jung, a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, made great contributions to understanding the human psyche. He emphasized the importance of balancing what he called the thinking processes (logic) and feeling (intuition) in the human personality. His concepts of archetypes, the collective unconscious, and individuation are the result of this dance between logic and intuition.

Søren Kierkegaard: This Danish philosopher is considered the father of existentialism. His works explore the tension between faith (intuition) and reason (logic) and argue that to find true meaning in life, one must take a "leap of faith" and transcend pure logic. As if jumping into the void, hoping there is a safety net below.

And how do we apply all this in our daily lives?

Much of the stress in our daily lives comes from thinking that our knowledge is limitless. I call this, again, "childish consciousness," a phenomenon that has stuck in the last 100 years like gum on a shoe. But we can combat it by considering the following:

  • Recognize and accept our limitations: Don't force yourself to understand everything; it's like trying to drink a thick shake through a straw. Appreciate what we do know and seek to expand our knowledge within our capabilities.
  • Balance logic and intuition: Sometimes we put logic on a pedestal and forget about intuition. We should seek a balance, like in a perfect pie recipe.
  • Practice humility: Recognize that we are humans with limited understanding and consciousness, like realizing you can't always win at poker.
  • Promote self-knowledge: Looking inward and recognizing our internal tensions can be as useful as cleaning under the bed.
  • Review our goals and expectations: The ambition to know everything is as contradictory as a snowman in the desert. We need to review our goals and expectations, ensuring they are realistic.


So, what I propose is that we need to trust both analytical logic and intuition, striving for both to get along like two good neighbors, so we can be in balance with ourselves. We've been living in a huge contradiction, like a dog chasing its tail. We must therefore define our limits and adjust to them. Our minds are structured to understand a timeline that doesn't extend much beyond our lives, perhaps a little more thanks to the stories told by our grandparents. But if we drift away from this experience, wanting to go beyond in time and space, it's like trying to run a marathon without training.

Accepting that our consciousness is still in its infancy will be the first step to change our perception of what is true. Recognizing our internal tensions will bring us closer to a more complete understanding, like finally completing a jigsaw puzzle.