In the vast garden of thought, Praxnology stands as a compass guiding the sowing of ideas on local soil, weaving endless poetic flowers from seeds of curiosity. Isn't the infinitely varied mosaic of solutions that are born, grow, and evolve in our hearts more captivating than dogmatic marble sculptures that claim to solve everything? Come with me, then, on this journey where each idea is a living river, a tango in constant motion, a melody that resonates through the tapestry of local life, inviting us to dance in rhythm with its beat.

I see my ideas, I see praxnology, as seeds of poetry that are deposited in the fertile ground of those who wish to hear me, awaiting the miracle of their germination.

The Problem of Global Solutions and Their Historical Roots

History has repeatedly shown us how major religions, philosophical currents, and their political offspring, in their desire to imprint their convictions, have created complete thought systems. Images such as Christian crusades sweeping away local beliefs or Marx's visions coming to life in austere Soviet communism imprint on our minds. These ideologies, meticulously designed like a modern smartphone, provided us with total solutions, boldly and confidently telling us that they had thought of everything and had all the answers. But didn't it seem that no matter how brilliant and elaborate these ideas were, they were, in a sense, dead?

Rain of Dogmas
"Rain of Dogmas": A large, old book floating above a crowd represents the imposition of global and dogmatic ideas. The crowd at its mercy symbolizes societies that passively receive them.

Praxnology: A Local Adventure of Free Thought

I, and my belief in Praxnology, offer you another proposal: local solutions. But, like a map whose details only emerge when you zoom in, these solutions are found in the heart of chaos, in the core of our reality, so complex and full of emergent phenomena. It's like trying to predict the pattern that tree leaves will take when they fall in autumn: simply put, it's impossible to foresee the spark of a new idea in the human heart.

The Dead Phone
"The Dead Phone" in a barren field symbolizes perfectly designed yet lifeless ideas, incapable of generating growth or change.

Seeds of Poetry: The Evolutionary Nature of Ideas

I see my ideas, praxnology, as seeds of poetry deposited in the fertile ground of those who wish to hear me, awaiting the miracle of their germination. It's not poetry designed to be simply beautiful or pleasant, but one that allows for interpretation, connection, and emotional engagement; poetry that is, in essence, alive. Isn't the flower that sprouts from the seed more beautiful than one already in its final form in a vase?

These living ideas, understood as a starting point rather than a finished product, are more aligned with the nature of our world, in which nothing is static, everything changes, and everything is alive. They're like the river that's never the same, constantly flowing and changing, rather than a motionless, cold marble statue.

Fertile Heart
"Fertile Heart" symbolizes the idea that local solutions should germinate in people's hearts, thus generating significant and lasting changes.

A Call to Local Action

There are only local solutions that must germinate in the hearts of people and evolve over time and generations to transform into something mature and living. Like a tango that is born in a corner of Buenos Aires and, over time, transforms and multiplies into different interpretations and versions, each unique, alive, beating to the rhythm of the neighborhood that adopts it.

So, I invite you to listen to me, to allow these seeds of poetry to germinate in your hearts. Who knows? Maybe together, we can weave a symphony of local solutions, a melody composed by the diversity and complexity of our realities. Because there are only local solutions, each one awaits your active participation.