Billy Benz
Alchemist of Ideas
I traverse life like walking a tightrope: either I become who I must be, or I get lost in the void. My words, more foreign than my own, seem to belong to everyone but me. In my chest, there's a volcano of ideas in constant eruption; its fire propels me to express myself, to hold nothing back. And without my muse, that beacon illuminating my path, I feel like a ship adrift. All in all, I am a canvas in perpetual painting, an endless array of ideas yet to be told.
Amanece un nuevo día y con él, nos enfrentamos a los misterios de nuestra existencia, a los ecos de sentimientos y situaciones que, como olas golpeando la costa, parecen retornar una y otra vez. En ca...
Our daily journey is full of experiences that, like children in a candy shop, invite us to have fun and capture our attention with the sweetness of a candy we can't resist. From music to movies, from...
Imagine for a moment that our existence is a taut thread between two poles. A pendulum swinging between the past and the future, the internal and the external, order and chaos. Our now, our present, i...
Tired of feeling lost in a sea of abstract and mystical concepts of religion? Dive into a spiritual dawn where you will be the artist of your own journey, transforming your inner experiences and truth...
What if, in the simple act of washing your hands, you could find a profound reflection on your place in the cosmos? Dare to discover Praxnoism, a proposition that transforms the mundane into the trans...
A journey on an ancient ship of beliefs, where you will discover hidden treasures in every corner, polishing your understanding of reality with the knowledge of past centuries and the sophistication o...
Imagine a fencing duel, two contenders crossing blades under the shadow of an absolute truth, seeking to deliver the final blow. But what would happen if we set aside the sword and open our minds to a...
The mystery of intuition, that inner fire that illuminates our path through this cosmos that exists both outside and within us. This is a journey that crosses the boundaries of science, external recog...
Have you ever pondered whether we are, at our core, simply shadows and light? Have we fallen into the trap of believing that duality is the only way to perceive and understand the universe that surrou...
In the vast garden of thought, Praxnology stands as a compass guiding the sowing of ideas on local soil, weaving endless poetic flowers from seeds of curiosity. Isn't the infinitely varied mosaic of s...
Dive into the illusion of believing that we can grasp everything, and discover how this never-ending quest leads to neurosis and discontent. Embrace the humility of recognizing our limitations and fin...